Archive | December 2013

Christmas Courage

Treasures In The Garden


Wouldn’t it be wonderful…….


Those we love don’t have to

 be exactly like ourselves.

Life is too short for drama 

and petty stuff.


kiss s-l-o-w-l-y,

laugh insanely,

LOVE truly,

forgive quickly,

and pray often!


Friendship isn’t about whom

 we’ve known the l  o  n  g  e  s  t.

 It’s about those who came

and never left our heart.


……. if we could remember good stuff, every minute of every day!


My word for today is “Friendship”! 

Coming up winners

Treasures In The Garden


To survey each experience with an optimistic approach.……



The real winners in Life

are usually the people

 who look at every situation

 with an expectation that

 they can make it work

 or that they can make it better. 

                                       Barbara Fletcher

sets us up to be in a winning situation.


My word today is “Optimism!