Tag Archive | optimism

Moving on to a better place


Treasures In The Garden

Having a bad day?

It’s just another day…….


 Don’t let

a bad 


…….make you

 feel like

you have

 a bad life.

….tomorrow will be better.

Positivity and Optimism.

My word for today is “OPTIMISM!” 

Coming up winners

Treasures In The Garden


To survey each experience with an optimistic approach.……



The real winners in Life

are usually the people

 who look at every situation

 with an expectation that

 they can make it work

 or that they can make it better. 

                                       Barbara Fletcher

sets us up to be in a winning situation.


My word today is “Optimism!

More of those please….

Treasures In The Garden


More days of feeling good.… 

If you look back on a day

When you have felt completely satisfied,

 you will find that it will not be a day when

you have done nothing. 

Instead it will be a day when you have had

loads to do and contend with, and got it all done!

Well Done!

How good would that be?

 Compliment yourself….

Taking Chances

Treasures In The Garden


What Insight will I gain?

 Please don’t cry because something has ended.

Smile because it has happened.

 Maybe this will be a new beginning.


May be we need to take a chance on trying something new.

Unless we do we’ll never know 

how absolutely perfect

 that new something may turn out to be.


Chances are, the chances are, awfully good!

Good Things Will Come to You

Treasures In The Garden

What is Optimism?

The Inclination to make the best out of all possible situations.


A To Do list for being an Optimist


1. Show gratitude

2. Smile

3. Let go of the past

4. Have faith that things can

always get better

5. Surround yourself with

positive attitude

6. Speak with a positive tone

7. Don’t overthink everything

8. Focus on one problem

at a time

9. Be proactive and

turn negative 

situations around

10. Exude confidence






ANH. magazine

Moving Forward….

Treasures In The Garden

What could I be missing?

I will live in today.

 I will live life to the fullest.


I will not live just for today.

 I will not live just to exist- 

serving myself, oblivious of the needs of others


 I will live my life with courage,

pushing through and past doubt and fear.

 I will live with optimism, vision and hope.