A Winter’s Day

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

 There is no greater journey than to follow the path of my dreams, to create my destiny, to live my life fully, and experience all that life has to offer me.

 I cannot choose all the experiences that will come into my life but I can choose how to handle them.

 Well, after a lot of busy days I am at last finding time to blog again this week, and last week we celebrated two important times in our church season.

 Last week was Ascension when Jesus said goodbye to earth and moved permanently to heaven, leaving behind his legacy of love and caring for the apostles to share with the rest of the world.

 And this week is Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles to empower them  with the ability to speak in different languages so that the messages God wanted to convey could be understood by everybody.

And we here are also left with the same legacy of love and caring and peace to share with those we meet in our everday lives.

 We have been lucky enough to share our home with our cousins this weekend. We have had an amazing time conversing and sharing our comings and goings and family experiences with each other.

 Yesterday we attended a thanksgiving day to show generous members of our community the appreciation of the citizens in our little town for good things they have done for people in need.  It was sponsored by local combined Christian Churches. We had a picnic lunch, shared some hilarious games. and some guessing competitions ( I won one of those), and children’s races. It was a really good reason to get together to celebrate.

Today we said goodbye to our visitors. We are alone again.

We have had some lovely rain, some very cold weather, some gorgeous sunshine and fluffy white clouds in our region today. We have loved warming around our beautiful fire, eating lots of hot soup and stews and enjoying the change in our climate this week.

Sharing our toasty warm fire

What has been good  for me this week?Having our family visit with us, attending the thanksgiving picnic.

 What I have been grateful for this week.

Being cared about, feeling well and having somewhere to feel warm and toasty.

 God in my life

Attending church, having good and kind people in my life, daily prayer. I no longer have my little white book to read each night, so I am feeling a bit lost. Our next little book won’t come out until Advent is on it’s way, which is a long way away. I will have to find something else to fill that time.

 If I am going to participate in the game of life I will need to appreciate each precious moment.

 So till the next time we meet let happiness go with you as you go. And let that happiness grow…. and as it expands and grows within your heart…. pass it on. Peace be with you, C.

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